Struggles of a Dreamer: The Battle Between a Dream and Tradition
This novel will inspire you!
Who will triumph, an ancient tradition or a dream?
In Struggles of a Dreamer: The Battle between a Dream and Tradition, the first book of the trilogy, the stories of Tunde, a beggar on the streets of New York City, and Toku'te, the son of a farmer in a faraway land, are woven together in a charming tale full of intriguing characters and adventure. You will encounter the struggles of a dreamer as he faces the challenges of the limiting boundaries of his tradition. You will laugh, cry, experience romance, be frightened, and be held in suspense as you find out how Toku'te manages to remain afloat in a world that requires everyone to fit the same mold.
Start reading the first 25 pages of Struggles of a Dreamer - absolutely free and no email required - CLICK HERE
This novel will inspire you!
Who will triumph, an ancient tradition or a dream?
In Struggles of a Dreamer: The Battle between a Dream and Tradition, the first book of the trilogy, the stories of Tunde, a beggar on the streets of New York City, and Toku'te, the son of a farmer in a faraway land, are woven together in a charming tale full of intriguing characters and adventure. You will encounter the struggles of a dreamer as he faces the challenges of the limiting boundaries of his tradition. You will laugh, cry, experience romance, be frightened, and be held in suspense as you find out how Toku'te manages to remain afloat in a world that requires everyone to fit the same mold.
Start reading the first 25 pages of Struggles of a Dreamer - absolutely free and no email required - CLICK HERE
This novel will inspire you!
Who will triumph, an ancient tradition or a dream?
In Struggles of a Dreamer: The Battle between a Dream and Tradition, the first book of the trilogy, the stories of Tunde, a beggar on the streets of New York City, and Toku'te, the son of a farmer in a faraway land, are woven together in a charming tale full of intriguing characters and adventure. You will encounter the struggles of a dreamer as he faces the challenges of the limiting boundaries of his tradition. You will laugh, cry, experience romance, be frightened, and be held in suspense as you find out how Toku'te manages to remain afloat in a world that requires everyone to fit the same mold.
Start reading the first 25 pages of Struggles of a Dreamer - absolutely free and no email required - CLICK HERE
Watch the video to learn what inspired Struggles of a Dreamer: The Battle between a Dream and Tradition
Read the first 25 pages of Struggles of a Dreamer - absolutely free and no email required - CLICK HERE